EDDM By The Numbers Playbook

March 26, 2024
John Jurkovich (The Broker Builder)

The EDDM BY THE NUMBERS™ Marketing Blueprint does the following three things:

  • How to find the best routes for your mailer, and utilize the USPS website to get demographic details, etc. so you can target buyers or sellers.
  • How to structure a mailer and what to put on the card so that it actually converts into leads and loans.
  • EDDM by the numbers. How to calculate estimated Return On Investment.

With EDDM, you can target neighborhoods at a relatively low cost, grow your brand, and attract buyers and sellers in almost any market.

John Jurkovich (The Broker Builder)

My name is John Jurkovich aka "The Mortgage Broker Builder". I've been building mortgage companies and running sales teams for the last 3+ Decades. I recently decided it was time to take my knowledge and experience to the world of Bankers And Brokers so we can grow the future of the mini broker!

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